- الوصف
- المنهاج
Starting Course
5Nvidia New Technologies Slides
Welcome to your first slider tutorial. This slides will start with a simple introduction. Then, You will open up google cause I"ll show you where you can download the blender software and which version of it will we be using in the entire course period.
Note: The download link is available with the lecture, plus the .pdf file is also included for you to download if you still need help downloading the software.
6Engine Target Audience
7Quiz: Mobile / Native Apps
المشاركون في الدورة
After Intro
9Realistic Graphic on UE4
10Volta GPU for optimization.
The Tensor Core GPU Architecture designed to Bring AI to Every Industry. Equipped with 640 Tensor Cores, Volta delivers over 100 teraflops per second (TFLOPS) of deep learning performance, over a 5X increase compared to prior generation NVIDIA Pascal architecture.
11Deep Learning
(1) القواعد الحاكمة لتفسير المستندات القانونية وأثر ذلك في الصياغة القانونية بالعربية والإنجليزية
(2) الإطار اللغوي لصياغة القوانين والعقود في العربية والإنجليزية
(3) ترجمة القضايا والأحكام وما يتصل بهما من مستندات